SA Roadtests
South Africa
Gordon Hall
I was lucky. Writing about cars is a recent vocation for me. I grew up in a family of petrol-heads and some of the jobs I ended up doing were connected with cars and trucks and bikes but journalism, in any form, never came to mind.
The connection came only after retirement. I landed a part-time job in the advertising department of a daily newspaper. It happened to produce a twice-weekly motoring supplement.
Pure chance put me into the position of caretaker during times the Motoring Editor was off sick. Before I knew it, I was a motoring writer. There was no following of dreams or dedicated pursuit of an elusive goal; it just happened. I wish it had happened thirty years earlier.
Sometimes, some would say always, your fate is written for you beforehand and you follow where you are led. Motivational speakers swear blind that is untrue. But answer me this: Did each one of them know from birth that they were destined to make a living by charging people money to tell them to channel all their efforts into pursuit of dreams? I doubt it.
Life is mostly dumb luck. Some get to where they want to be, but many don't. I was lucky. Never wealthy, not even halfway rich. Just lucky.
Like any journalist, I can research and write on almost any subject, but cars and driving is what guns my motor.
While I can do 'lifestyle,' I am really more down to earth and practical. I prefer to tell readers about what they are getting, rather than how I believe the product should make them feel or look.
I also do my best to give a balanced view by placing myself in the driving shoes of the potentate, princess or pauper most likely to drive the product.
While others waste space on long, flowing descriptions of the outer lines and inner decor, I believe that pictures do the job better. That's why I put them there.
My approach is to tell potential buyers what they are getting, without blinding them with science.
I believe, too, that readers might want to know a bit more about the product than is contained in the manufacturer's literature, so I try to find out.
I reckon this can be done in an entertaining way; so I keep it light and conversational. It reads quickly and is not bewildering or heavy - possibly why more than half of those who respond to my articles are women.
I tell it like it is without being unjustly harsh; without prejudice and without trying to impress my peers.
Apart from this website, I write for a few community papers in Pietermaritzburg, the KZN Midlands and the North and South Coasts.
Click on this linkor call me on + 27(0) 33 3441241/+ 27(0) 83 6608177. If you have a question or want advice on cars, I’ll do my best to give you a balanced and unbiased answer.
This site is operated by Scarlet Pumpkin Communications in Pietermaritzburg.
Unless otherwise stated, all photographs are courtesy of
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SA Roadtests
South Africa